No final deste curso, será capaz de:
The main aim of this TPCK module is to assist those who are aiming to master TPCK approach in the teaching of English Language. It actively engages teachers in the learning and assessment activities that provide them with the opportunities to apply and integrate their technology skills with pedagogical strategies to teach English language content. The module also provides activities which learners in this module can use or adapt to their own teaching context.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) is a new teaching framework that integrates technology, pedagogy and content knowledge. This framework ensures that technology, pedagogy and content are seamlessly integrated in a teaching and learning context.
TPCK as a teaching approach ensures that teachers and their learners acquire and apply technological skills relevant to specific contexts. The module demonstrates how teachers can use their technological and pedagogical knowledge to present content and to assign learning and assessment activities to teach different aspects of a subject.
Certification by completing the course content successfully
This series of courses is designed for educators to leverage TPACK resources.